[ Main Stable Corridor ]

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This corridor is more of a hallway. Once you are inside the large academy, you will see a long, wide, hall that breaks off down another hall to the right. If you continue down that hall, you will see a door that is locked. You must get a pass to unlock the door. Once inside, it seems like a stable. There are about 300 or so rooms, each holding up to three different peoples' tack and grooming kits. Then you will see yet another door as you continue down and past the many hale bales and feeds. There is one stall in this area, and it is for injured academy horses only. Once past that stall, there is a door directly beside it. You must unlock it with your pass and then you enter the stables. Each stall is large enough to hold two horses, so you can have two of your own horses in one stall, thus lowering the boarding cost. And since there are no houses, you need to keep your horse somewhere. This is the only place available to keep a horse.
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